
Easybids Application


Prototype screens to guide development for an app that will allow auctioneers to seamlessly upload their consignments and create catalogues for auctions.

File Management Program


Application designed to help music fans find people to go to concerts with, Lean UX techniques were used throughout this iterative design including user research and interviews.

Programmable Synth


Prototype car that can follow you as you walk, made with an Arduino and various sensors. This was intended to carry small items for a person whilst they jog.

Band Website


File Management program implemented in C, designed to allow you to encrypt, decrypt and compress BMP images and TXT files. Utilises the Vigenere Cipher to encrypt and decrypt TXT files.

MuseHub Prototype


Website intended to help a punk rock band promote gigs and sell merchandise independently. Implemented with Javascript, PHP and SQL.

Arduino Based Car


Code-based synthesiser made in Processing.js that can be used with a Midi Keyboard. Takes in recorded sound and maps it to a 12-pitch octave. Allows for adding reverb, granulation and delay effects to the sound.